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The Journey

It has been about a year now that I have been building my business. It has been a growing journey, one with failures and successes. The successes are small but somewhat consistent. Getting my name registered, my logo complete and my website running are just a few of those successes.

The failures have been where I have grown and learned the most about myself. I attempted to have a conference to launch my business, but it failed to launch. It taught me to understand not everyone is on the same page as I am. It does take a team to launch a conference and you also need the right people on your team to make things happen. The best lesson failure taught me is to fail forward and never give up on my dream!

I am about to release a new product called a Vision Casting Board. This product is like a vison board because it does have a small element of cutting out pictures and pasting them to the board. However, my vison casting board incorporates some lean Six sigma tools and personal growth tools that help you in executing your vision. I will be posting it on my website soon.

It has been suggested to me that to build a conference and a product, a well-known person is needed to help launch it. I understand having a well-known personality to be headliner of a conference can help draw participants. I also understand that having a well know personality write a reference for my product will help launch it. My question is…. Do we have to be a big personality to be heard? As a society are we stuck on the idea that only if there is a big name headlining then I will go to that conference or only if a big name endorses that product will I even look at it?

Please add your comments and help me to see what you feel and think.

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